Turned legs and a pullout breadboard leaf system
Close view of turned leg and antiqued finish
This is a 30 x 60 inch table that expands to seat 10.
Leaves are stored inside this end.
A simpler design, straight tapered legs
We almost always use newly sawn kiln dried wood for our furniture. Cracks are fake, wormholes are fake, discoloration is fake. Pegs are fake too! For somebody who likes to eat whole foods and wears no makeup, it's rather hysterical that all I do at work is fake finishes.
#610 -- A variation on that theme: with cabriole legs and "company board leaves".
Simply constructed leaves are attached to leaf arms and fit within slots cut in each end.
Plugs cover these leaf arm holes when the leaf is absent.
#596 -- Another color and style variation: slightly thinner, straighter legs. This has pullout style leaves: Leaf arms are attached to breadboard ends on the table itself. Breadboard ends pull out to accept a flat leaf.
#483: Another variation: straight tapered legs, pullout breadboard ends, and self storing leaves.
This one has a bench and a cutting board.
Solid oak cutting board
Leaves stack up on that cutting board as shown in following photos:
At the other end, leaves are stored as shown in the following photos: